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Piping Plovers - Nationally Threatened Species.

Threatened & Endangered Species Studies

Experienced in Protecting & Sustaining Wildlife

The environmental team at Snyder & Associates are experts in wildlife biology, endangered species and habitat assessments, vegetation community analysis, and ecosystem studies. We have conducted numerous surveys and assessments of terrestrial, wetland, and aquatic habitats, along with multiple in-depth investigations of rare, threatened, and endangered species.

Our environmental experts know precisely what to look for, including potential and critical habitats, species requirements, plant communities — all specific items required by Federal and State regulators.

Keeping your Project & the Environment in Harmony

Our team designs plans that allow projects to seamlessly coexist with nature and all of its inhabitants. While no one can stop protected species from settling on project sites, we can determine their presence and assess the impacts they create for your project. We’ll develop site-specific plans that fulfill regulatory requirements and maintain the project’s forward momentum.

Snyder & Associates Threatened & Endangered Species Services:

Biological Assessments

We use biological assessments as tools for due diligence of development-related constraints and as a means of evaluating project sites for biological resources that make a property suitable for mitigation.

Wetland and Stream Delineations

Determining if impacts to wetlands or streams associated with a proposed development are anticipated is vital. Our involvement in the initial planning and development process can ensure your project complies with local, state, and federal requirements.

Threatened & Endangered Species Habitat Studies

We understand that organisms are connected to their physical environment. Through habitat studies, our team identifies habitats within a project area to determine if listed species have the potential to be present. If needed, we can make mitigation recommendations to our clients or suggest additional study options.

Presence-Absence Surveys

Snyder & Associates understands how presence-absence data can be useful to a project’s success in multiple contexts, from monitoring populations to identifying high-value habitats for specific species of conservation concern.

Incidental Take Permits

If a threatened or endangered species are found on a project site, our team is experienced in recommending and performing the regulatory steps required to keep a project on track.